Welcome New Family Arm: Jen!

One of the things we love is to see our family grow, and we are excited to share the next step in our evolution with you all!
Our Family Arms are part of how we reach out and support our Word Family members. They help the WordFam move forward and we couldn’t do everything we do without them.
We are delighted to announce that WiggyJen is now a Family Arm and part of our WordFam Leader circle!
Jen has been a part of this community since before it began. She has been active in local Brisbane writing communities for the past two decades, and she has been a positive, supportive presence wherever she has been. She has helped organise events, provided resources, donated prizes, facilitated writing discussions, carried equipment, set up spaces, supplied ideas, steadied the ship, and helped to keep the official event leaders sane. If you have been to an event organised by one of our other WordFam leaders over the past few years, you’ve probably met her and there’s a good chance she was helping out. We have tried to give credit where it was due for all her contributions, and we hope she knows how much we appreciate her!
She has graciously accepted our invitation to take a more official role within the WordFam, in part to recognise how much she has always done for us all, and because she will be amazing at helping us to keep the WordFam developing and moving forward. She will no doubt be continuing to lend her support and tireless work to our events and activities. We also aim to have a new project within the scope of her Arm’s reach, which will be announced in the near future.
Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Jen into her new role!