
As writers, we are always learning. At the start of 2022, we began a series of WordFam Workshops to learn about punctuation and grammar together as a group. The workshops are held on our Discord server and everyone is welcome! Check out the calendar to see when the next one is.
Don’t worry if you missed a workshop! Each session is recorded and you can catch up with them here.
Workshop | Topics |
#1 | Full Stops Commas |
#2 | Apostrophes Colons Semi-colons |
#3 | Ellipses Parentheses Dashes Asides |
#4 | Dialogue Taglines Loglines Blurbs |
#5 | Synopses Prologues Epilogues |
#6 | Active vs Passive Voice Show Don’t Tell |
#7 | World Building |
#8 | Story Planning |
#9 | Editing Redrafting |
#10 | Author Websites |
#11 | Fiction Feedback |
#12 | Narrative Voice POV |
WordFam Workshops
Workshop #1 covers an introduction to the series, and discusses full stops and commas.
Workshop #2 discusses apostrophes, colons, and semi-colons.
Workshop #3 discusses ellipses, parentheses, hyphens, and dashes. We also talk about asides and offsets.
Workshop #4 discusses dialogue, loglines, taglines, and blurbs. Our longest workshop yet!
Workshop #5 discusses synopses, prologues, and epilogues.
Workshop #6 discusses active and passive voice, and show don’t tell.
Workshop #7 discusses world building: tools, methods, with a scenario walkthrough.
Workshop #8 discusses story planning: why it’s useful even if you’re not a planner, different methods, and a scenario walkthrough.
Workshop #9 discusses editing and redrafting for writers: how it works, the tools available to you, and some best practices to help you make your story shine.
Workshop #10 demonstrates the how to build an author website with your own domain name. It goes through the standard items you need to put it all together and share your content with the world.
Workshop #11 discusses how to approach giving and receiving feedback, along with tips for how to address the feedback you receive on your stories.
Workshop #12 examines the different points of view (POV) you can use in fiction, along with the concept of unreliable narrators. It also discusses how to choose the right narrative voice for your story and using more than one.
You can check out the boards we used during the workshop directly if you wish!