Roving Words: October Adventures
In October, we held our first Roving Words event! WordFam members joined from wherever they were to write words, plan stories, and chat about writing on Discord.
Several participants shared pictures of where they were, allowing us glimpses into how and where writers do their thing. From awesome screen setups, to beautiful back yards, to picturesque watery locations! We covered a lot of ground, from the appropriately-named Fiction restaurant in Cleveland QLD to the rivers of Sydney NSW.
We also learned some exciting new things! Like cheesecake-making tips and what cougar golf is, inspired by an overheard conversation. (Cougar golf is a motorised polo game played on golf carts with golf balls, we discovered, which sounds like an amazing time!)
It was great to see so many people sharing. Below is a selection of the images from the event (shared with permission).
Hope to see lots more for our November Roving Words event! Come and join us, wherever you are!