About the WordFamily
WordFam Values
The WordFamily (WordFam) is a community of storytellers. WordFam members are writers first and interesting people second. Whether writing is our primary mode of storytelling or intersects with our art or music or another form of creative expression, we all love stories and have a drive to share them with each other and the wider world.
The WordFam is welcoming and open to all. WordFam is based on mutual respect and an acceptance that we are all wonderfully different people. We tolerate everything except intolerance.
WordFam empowers people to be their best, honest selves. WordFam doesn’t expect people to write a particular genre, write with a view to publishing, or have a particular list of achievements in order to be valid or have a seat at the WordFam dining table. We don’t expect people to fit into any particular shape or box. We don’t expect people to be following a specific path or strive for a specific destination. We give them the space and permission to be themselves, and the support they need to move forward, whichever direction they might be headed.
Healthy communication is important. Even when discussing difficult topics, WordFam strives to keep the way we discuss and exchange ideas healthy for and respectful of everyone involved.
We believe human creativity is wonderful. We believe ownership of your own work is important and to be respected. We do not support plagiarism, appropriation, piracy, or other copyright violations, by individuals, organisations, or technology. We do not support tools that use stolen artwork or generate stories using AI. We do support tools that help you to create the stories you have to tell. We view transformative works as a legitimate writing endeavour, within the bounds of fair use and without attempting to benefit or earn money off someone else’s work.
WordFam Goals
The central goals of the WordFam are:
- To stay true to our core values, by striving to keep the WordFam welcoming and safe for all writers
- To support our members in their daily lives and pursuit of their goals, with a focus on writing but also including wellbeing, self care, and other human needs in support of that
- To share writing-related resources and knowledge, and expand them where we can
- To promote writing-related opportunities, learnings, and success stories
- To learn and do better, for ourselves, our writing, and everyone around us
Learn More About Us
About the WordFam Leaders
About our Members
Our Published Authors
WordFam Website Credits and Copyright
This website has been brought to you by the WordParents. All content is Copyright (c) 2021 WordFamily. The WordFamily claims no copyright for fiction written by our members.
This website is powered by WordPress, and uses the Adaptable Notes theme by Customizable Blogily. All images except where otherwise credited are courtesy of rawpixel.com.