Writing Tracker Update: Yearly Goals

A hand reaching towards the light shining through the trees

We released our very own writing goal tracker earlier this year. It has been going great! Thanks to feedback from our wonderful members, it has been growing and becoming more refined over time. 

It’s important to us that it includes what’s useful for you all, so your input matters! We’re also dedicated to keeping it usable, flexible, and catering for different needs. 

Because of input from our wonderful peeps, we’re happy to announce a big addition to the tracker: yearly goals! You can now set a goal for the whole year, and the tracker will automatically credit progress you log against a monthly goal towards it. 

You can have a yearly goal of each type (words, chapters, minutes, or pages). You must have a monthly goal to log progress against it, so make sure you create those monthly goals to match! 

To support this, the tracker’s layout has been revamped and improved. You’ll see sections for the monthly and yearly goals now. 

Screenshot of the tracker with sections to enter data, monthly goal stats, and yearly goal stats.

You’ll also see links to the forms to create your yearly goal, or change it if you decide you need to adjust what you’re aiming for. A year is a long time, and if things shift for you, your goals can shift with you so they stay feasible and achievable. 

So now, when you’re thinking about the new year we’re about to embark on, have a think about whether you want to set yourself a writing goal for the whole year. And then go for it! 

We have some more improvements coming up soon, including yearly round-ups for the WordFam as a whole. These should be in place by the end of the year, so keep checking in to catch them.

If you have any feedback on the tracker or requests for something you would find useful, let us know. Have an amazing end of your year!
